
Terraform, the terrible

A few years ago, I got acquainted with the Infrastructure as Code tool called Terraform. To be honest, Terraform was a revelation for me, much like Docker was in 2014. Both Docker and Terraform address a myriad of subtle issues with the code you write every day. Docker allows painless deployment of your code on your colleague's Linux machine, and Terraform lets you painlessly create infrastructure for your project in production. Both Docker and Terraform, in one way or another, revolve around Git: one employs its push/pull model, while the other ideologically inherits the handling of diffs. In general, I immediately envisioned how much Terraform would assist in the day-to-day processes of working with infrastructure. Imaginary CI/CD pipelines appeared in my mind, always staying green with no errors.

I've tried a variety of Terraform providers, ranging from cloud providers like GCP/AWS/Alicloud and virtualization systems like Proxmox/VMware/Canonical MAAS to systems like Akamai/Cloudflare/GCore/NS1 and even a Christmas tree provider exists). Primarily, I started experimenting in my home lab with Proxmox. The abundance of providers, documentation, and articles was very inspiring. The prospect of not having to click through an inconvenient GUI anymore thrilled me. It felt like I was sixteen again and had just installed Linux for the first time :)

However, the enchantment quickly dissipated into harsh reality. What authors enthusiastically write about on Medium in brief five-minute articles often remains within the confines of those short articles. As is often the case, a beautiful story plot and an expected happy ending have little to do with real life. Happy endings are not guaranteed in real life. And when you realize that, it's often the case that there's nothing you can do about it.

Terraform is no exception. After examining enough examples, I identified several implicit patterns that could eventually make you cry bloody tears when looking at a seemingly beautiful Terraform code repository. Following them, you might come to the conclusion that Terraform is more of a destructive than a convenient tool that facilitates daily tasks.

Patterns of Bad Terraform Projects

1. Not reading the documentation before writing Terraform code

It's somewhat like with IT courses: glance over it superficially and already think you know it all. The ease of using Terraform is incredibly enticing: you need (hypothetically) just one API token, and voila, you can play with your infrastructure at your fingertips. Plan to the right, apply to the left, and you're already the master of pipelines. This simplicity and speed make you do more, more, and more without thinking about the quality and portability of the code. And why worry? Ctrl-c, Ctrl-v, and boom — closed a dozen tickets. Convenient, isn't it?

Reading the Terraform documentation in a timely manner can save a tremendous amount of time, nerves, and sometimes even money. Why is it that not long ago everyone followed the RTFM rule, but with Terraform, it seems to have been forgotten?

2. Infrastructure as Code, but without the code

Unfortunately, excessive simplicity can lead one to think that most things described in the documentation (such as templates, modules, conditions, loops) are unnecessary. Where does this lead? It results in unnecessary spaghetti code, unstructured and hard to read. This leads to the point where managing similar resources becomes nearly impossible over time. Their quantity and size in lines of code eventually become too overwhelming for an engineer trying to make meaningful changes. While regular code lives somewhat independently and doesn't significantly affect entities around it (except for the code itself), Terraform directly impacts the infrastructure. Making a mistake like a simple typo is easy with a vast amount of similar Terraform code. Moreover, Terraform often doesn't act as a validator for the correctness of your resources. In many providers and systems, validation of the created resources occurs directly during Terraform apply, further complicating the understanding of what your code is actually doing. Therefore, it's helpful to remind oneself that in the abbreviation "Infrastructure as Code," the word Code has the same priority as Infrastructure.

3. Not thinking about architecture

What happens when there's little time, but the infrastructure needs to be up and running yesterday? Let's set aside managerial issues.

The logical answer is you just go ahead and do it. You employ approaches that quickly help solve the task: lots of copy-pasting, manual interventions when something can't be done in Terraform, and neglecting the full setup of the Terraform resource rollout workflow.

What happens the next day? The same thing. And the day after that, the same thing occurs again.

This constant hustle leads to a situation where, after a year or two, your projects become challenging to maintain. At some point, there won't be a single person (including you) who can clearly explain the business rules associated with your Terraform resources. Why are certain network restrictions applied to some virtual machines and different ones to others? What if you need to deploy a similar infrastructure but in a different environment? With over a hundred resources, making changes in copied code from another project will take a considerable amount of time. If the code is spread across dozens of Git repositories with similar configurations in different regions and environments, the number of repetitive merge requests increases.

4. Having trouble with something? Let's do it manually, and then we'll transfer it to the Terraform state.

Well, what could go wrong here? What's wrong with creating a few resources/rules/etc manually and then using terraform import?

I agree that as a temporary solution for a specific current task, this approach significantly saves time to market for infrastructure. However, when there are too many of these small tasks, let's say a hundred, transferring the configuration of such similar resources to the Terraform state becomes tedious. It seems like the time spent on this manual work could be better utilized for more meaningful tasks.

So, if there's an opportunity to start infrastructure projects from scratch, it's better to begin the project directly with Terraform code. It's much easier to work with infrastructure initially launched with Terraform than to spend hours on monotonous import operations. If this process is done slowly, you end up managing some resources with Terraform code and others manually. This doesn't look appealing, especially if one of our goals as engineers is to manage infrastructure through code.

5. Best-practices? Why bother?

KISS, YAGNI, single-responsibility? Tasks are urgent. No time. When will we refactor? Let's think about it later. You can't sell refactoring to the business. Writing tests takes too long? Let's not bother with that for now.

Sure, the scenario where all five points align in one project is unlikely. At least, I sincerely hope so. Nevertheless, individual points can still surface one way or another.

What to do with all of this?

Invest time (if not work time, then personal time) in learning the tool and thinking about how to rationally apply best practices. Terraform has excellent documentation written by talented engineers. In addition to the documentation, there are numerous articles, guides, and practical workshops available. It wouldn't hurt to remember Uncle Bob's book and Twelve Factor App principles. Set up a home lab to work with virtualization or another system. Experiment in this lab by creating, editing, and deleting Terraform resources to gain confidence in your code.

After all, Terraform is not such a huge rocket science. These efforts will undoubtedly pay off in the long run.